lördag 1 augusti 2020

"Yes, we want to hold on to the apron strings of pleasure. We want to hold on to the things that we know. And with that we want to take a journey. Have you ever climbed a mountain? The more you are burdened the more difficult it is. Even to go up these little hills is quite difficult if you carry a burden. And if you climb a mountain, you have to be much freer. I really don't know what the difficulty is. We want to carry with us everything we know -the insults, the resistance, the stupidities, the delights, the exaltations, everything that we had. When you say, I'm going to take a journey carrying all that, you are taking a journey somewhere else, not into that which you are carrying. Therefore your journey is in imagination, is unreality. But take a journey into the things which you are carrying, the known - not into the unknown - into what you already know: your pleasures, your delights, your despairs, your sorrows. Take a journey into that, that is all you have. You say, I want to take a journey with all that into the unknown and add the unknown to it, add other delights, other pleasures. Or it may be so dangerous that you say, I don't want to."
Så är Jiddu Krishnamurtis The flight of the eagle slut.
Samma dag som jag besteg berget på Kiddö läste jag ut min trogna vän, som Khrishnamurtis bok blivit de tre åren den legat på mitt nattduksbord. 
Vems ord ska nu vara till min vägledning?

There is no teacher, no pupil; there is no leader; there is no guru; there is no Master, no Saviour. You yourself are the teacher and the pupil; you are the Master; you are the guru; you are the leader; you are everything, viskar Krishnamurti. 

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